Treasurers and Ticket Sellers Union Local 751 I.A.T.S.E.
Executive Council
Tevy Bradley

Fellow Union Members--
I come to you again for the chance to continue serving on the Executive Council. As an interim replacement, I feel like I've only just gotten started and I'm eager to continue. Times continue to grow more uncertain and it's more important now than ever to have a strong union. I believe that's something we are lucky to have but it's not something that happens by accident. Our union can only be as strong as we build it to be and we owe it to ourselves to carry on the work of those before us. We've been handed an incredible opportunity and I know the intelligence, compassion, strength, charm, and power that we bring to this business everyday. I would be honored to stand with our council to defend and shape our future as circumstances dictate.
Fraternally yours,
Devin Campise

Dear Local 751 Members -
My name is Devin Campise and I am seeking for your vote for election of Executive Council. As background, the last 2 years I have been an Assistant Treasurer at the Lena Horne Theatre. Before the Horne, I was a ticket-seller at Madison Square Garden for 5 years.
I consider myself very lucky to work in this business. I love this job and I am extremely proud to be a 3rd generation member of Local 751.
The values the Union holds are something that I care about deeply. I feel without a strong representation we could lose some of the rights that we worked so hard to get. I can assure all fellow members that I am extremely attentive to Union matters when they may fall out of jurisdiction.
Today change is inevitable, and sometimes uncomfortable. I will try to make sure that change doesn’t restrict any responsibilities that we have. When change occurs, it’s important to make sure that we adapt with it, but to do it without giving up responsibility. Vote for me and I will work to make sure we will be protected no matter what comes our way.
Devin Campise.
Michael Kane

Fellow 751 Members,
My name is Michael Kane, and I am writing to you today to ask for your vote in re-electing me to the Executive Council. I am the First Assistant at the Richard Rodgers and have had the privilege of serving on the Executive Council of this great Union of ours for 8 years. I have been a Ticket Seller for 20 years now, but in reality I was raised in this business.
I have seen generations able to put a roof over their head and food on the table. To take real vacations, to put their kids through college, and to retire comfortably. All of this has been afforded to us by a strong and competent Executive Council that has fought to keep our jurisdiction, and we continue that fight today.
I do not have to tell you how important this issue is. New technology has given owners the opportunity to try and chip away at that jurisdiction. They have this idea that if they chip enough, we can be replaced with people who do not ask for things like a livable wage, health insurance, or a pension.
Our power lies in our numbers and our unity. At the end of my career, I would like to look back and know that I helped create a stronger Union, a better Union, a Union where future generations can still live comfortably and continue to thrive. Thank you for your time, I hope I can count on your vote.
In Solidarity,
Michael Kane Jr.
Richie Loiacono

Hi Brothers & Sisters, I’m Richie Loiacono and I am seeking reelection to the Executive Council.
Those of you who know me can see that this photo was a little dated, Todd still has hair.
I am thankful to serve as your Sgt. At Arms at our meetings and as a part of the Negotiating Committee and would like to count on your support in the upcoming election.
Fraternally Yours,
Richie Loiacono
Krystin MacRitchie

Dear Sisters and Brothers,
My name is Krystin MacRitchie and I’m the Treasurer of Studio 54. I’ve served on the Local 751 Executive Council for the past 7 years and would be honored and proud to continue doing so. I am currently Local 751’s Political Coordinator and I am the Co-Chair of Local 751’s Labor Day Parade Committee. I was also on the bargaining committee in the 2021 negotiations with Roundabout Theatre Company and plan to do so again this year for our upcoming negotiations.
As a long time employee of Roundabout, working as a non-union and then union box office employee, I have experienced first-hand the positive changes achieved when working under a Local 751 CBA. I hope through my experience I can continue to be an advocate for the non-profit theatres. Something that I think is important for our future is the organizing of new venues, especially the many non-profit Off Broadway theatres. I hope to play a part in organizing and negotiating for these theatres to help our union grow stronger.
Thank you,
Krystin MacRitchie
Chris "Monty" Montague

Hello my fellow Local 751 Members,
It has been an absolute pleasure and a privilege to serve on the Executive Council for the last seven years and to be a part of this extraordinary union for over 31 years. This union has survived the challenges of past and present trials and tribulations. I am proud to say that I have been a witness and a dedicated member who is always concerned with the preservation and growth of our industry. As we navigate these uncharted times, I want you to know that your voice matters, and I will always have your best interests in mind.
I want to assure you that every idea counts and has value. All of our members, including our pensioners, have always played an active role in shaping who we are today. I promise to be your dedicated advocate, listening, acting, and ensuring that every Local 751 member's voice is heard.
In solidarity, have comfort in knowing that you will always have a seat at the table. I would be honored for you to consider voting for my reelection to the Executive Council so that I may continue this important work.
Chris “Monty” Montague
Greg Turner

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I am Greg Turner, the First Assistant Treasurer at the Broadhurst Theatre, and I am running for a seat on the Executive Council. I believe in our union and I have faith in this body of workers to stand up and prove our immense value in the industry.
The city remains at a crossroads. The pandemic recovery has been slow, and we have all been Essential to the return of live performance and the relighting of New York. Many of us have felt the blow of prolonged unemployment and unlit houses. The uncertainty of showbusiness has never felt so uncertain… will the show continue to go on?
It will if 751 has anything to say about it! While we may feel underappreciated and undervalued by our employers at times, I believe we will be the solution, not the scapegoat.
Tablets and apps cannot provide the care, expertise, and benefit that we bring. I believe we can incorporate technology while at the same time making the thought of turning to A.I. over of our workforce, an absurd idea to our employers and patrons alike.
I strive to keep the union strong, jobs safe, and pensioners protected. New York is still New York. Live experiences here remain treasured and profitable. I believe the service we provide cannot go uncredited. That is why I am seeking a position on the Executive Council and respectfully asking for your vote.
In solidarity,
Greg Turner